My Dream Job

 It is always difficult to think of my ideal job, because I have many interest and I feel I can adapt. And on the other hand, social anthropology works and studies in differents areas too. But if I dream and think about what I like in the present, working in collective projects to protect nature is nice for me. 

A few months ago I participated in a garden near my house. There, whit my partners, water, clean and plant, we care of the space. I have learned about seeds, plant species, trees and insects, the cycles of nature, and mostly,  how difficult it is to preserve a public and community space. Mostly because we have organize our time and ideas between us, and also we need understand how the neighbors interact whit the garden, what their interests are with the space. 

But in the end, it is a nice process, in wich I have been able to trust in the importance of getting involved in our neighborhoods, manage them and take care of the nature that surrounds us. From there, I have been able to imagine how to contribute from my carrer as a complement to everithing that is donde and learned in community spaces, as research in our daily life that can serve in the relationship with the municipality and other intitutions, for example, wich often do not know, precisely, the day to day of the people, and the reasons for their "customs". 

I don't know if what I am writing is a dream job as such, but I think it is a starting point, and for now it is all what I could to imagine. 
