Changes of my study programe of anthropology

I started study anthropology in the 2019 year, and after five years, I think in more than one aspect that I would like to change. 

In general my experience in the course has been good, I really like the topics, perspectives and research methods we see, but I have always noticed that in most of the courses, the bibliography we have has men as authors. This is justified in a historical order of the theories we read, but it takes up a lot of time and content, which can be boring and not very diverse. If the bibliography were expanded in terms of gender and territories for example (which does not mean more academic load if it is properly integrated), I think the classes would become more dynamic and our interests would have more space in the programe. 

On the other hand, I believe that more field trips could be organized, or perhaps diversify the ways in which we apply what we learn at the university. Most of the evaluations are essays and research papers that sometimes do not leave this space, and we could look for methodologies that make us relate more with our daily experiences and languages. Finally, I think about the thesis and how it is developed in anthropology, and the fact that it has to be solo research gives food for thought. I think that this is something that could be changed and integrate the option of doing it collectively, in pairs, groups, etc.  Not all of us learn and function better alone, even if we have a teacher to guide us in the process. The exercise of creating a thesis alone is challenging and comfortable, and I think the company and the exchange of views can be equally so. 
