Go back to Perú

I chose a country that I would like to go back to. This is Perú. 

I visited Lima in February of this year. This place is the capital of the country, and has a high traffic movement, with various types of transport, like mototaxis, bus, combis…

Perú is a tropical country, with a big diversity of climates, thats what I found most interesting about the country. Also eating and lodging is cheap, with the change from “pesos” to “soles”. 

Their land is divided in three regions; the costa on the west, the sierra or andes on the center, and the amazonia on the east. That last one I would like to know, because this area is characterized by rolling hills and level plains, mountains and jungle. 

I would like to live in Perú for a few months if I could get an exchange program.
In my free time, I would like to volunteer in a “Vrindavan ecology garden” in Matucana, two hours from Lima. Here, Gopi and Dwarka they give agriculture, animal care and protection, and gardening workshops, among others.
