Blog 1: A little bit of me

Hi everyone!

Here I leave a little bit of me...

My name is Celeste, and I am twenty-one years old.  Almost 9 years ago I came from Concepcion to live in Santiago, together with my mother, father and brother.  In 2012 we adopted Romeo, my dog. It was pure chance  and sometimes I forget how small it was. They are my family <3 

I am in second year of anthropology and this year has been very crazy. I miss being on the street, to my friends and well, I think it has happened to all of us...

I mobilize for the issues that I find unjust, I think we can make the place where we are, one more empathic. 

Too I like to be outdoors, backpacking, reading and spending time with whoever wants to share it with me. 

Tell me a little about youuu


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