Blog 2: Why did I choose anthropology?


In this second blog I will tell you why I chose my career ๐Ÿ‘€

I think that for that I have to go backo to 2018, that year I entered "bachillerato" at the university and anthropology was one of the subjects I had.

From the beginning it caught my attention and the classes were pleasant ❤. At the end of the second semester, I had an assistantship who made me say "here I goo" (hahaha).


I remember that a colleague from his last year showed us his thesis. This was of a type of corporal modification present in certain northern peoples. The similarities with how we change our body today made me think about the value of considering other realities (old and current), and doing it from who lives them.

Because "difference" always causes us something, and it is necessary to teach it to us. My career makes me think about that always, and it is waht I would like to give to others as well.


2020 like

2020 be like

and youu?


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